Randomizer – FXpansion Guru 1.5 User Manual

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A new creative inspiration factory, the randomize slider can operate on any of GURU’s main
screens – sequence, graphs, pad edit, effects, mixer – and allows you to apply a controllable
amount of randomization to either the current pad or various combinations. Click on the rand-
omize slider to generate a new set of ‘seed’ values, then drag to the left or right to apply them
progressively to your patch. Hold down ALT or SHIFT while dragging the randomize slider to
apply the process over a wider area – if you don’t like what you hear, just hit the Undo button to
the right.

The Randomize slider’s behaviour depends on which page you’re on:

Pattern editor

In the Pattern Editor, it will add or remove random notes from the current pattern, either on the
current lane only, or, if you hold down ALT or SHIFT+ALT, to all lanes in the current group or all
lanes in the whole pattern. Moving it to the RIGHT will slowly add more notes; moving it to the
LEFT will remove notes.

Graph editor

In the Graph Editor, it will randomize the values of the graphs. Depending on which graph page
you’re on, its behaviour may be damped down for some of the others - for example, randomiza-
tion of the Volume, Shift and Repeat graphs is partially suppressed unless one of those graphs
is selected.
ALT randomizes the current graph across all lanes; SHIFT randomizes all graphs in the current
lane; ALT+SHIFT randomizes all graphs in all lanes.

Pad editor

In the Pad Editor, it will randomize the values of the pad-parameters.
Holding down ALT will randomize all pads in the same group; holding down SHIFT will rand-
omize all pads in the same column; holding down ALT+SHIFT will randomize all pads in the

Aux FX

In the Aux FX Editor, it will randomize the values of all the aux effect parameters. Holding down
ALT randomizes all auxes in the current engine; SHIFT randomizes all auxes in the current slot
position (, or 3); ALT+SHIFT randomizes all auxes in all engines.


In the Mixer, it will randomize the values of the master effect, as well as tune & pan for the cur-
rent engine. ALT randomizes all engines.


Locked pads/patterns are not affected by the randomizer, so if you don’t want to randomize your
kicks, lock them up first!
To cancel the last randomize operation, click the ‘X’ next to the randomizer.