Keyboard support – FXpansion Guru 1.5 User Manual

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Keyboard support

GURU can now be driven largely without resorting to the mouse – the pads, patterns, browser,
engines and transport all respond to the keyboard. Additionally, you can now mute, solo and un-
mute individual engines at the touch of a button.
GURU’s new QWERTY implementation is a bit different to those you may have seen before, so
please read this bit in detail!
Essentially, the concept is this: - there are four different keyboard ‘scopes’ active at any one time.
These are accessed by the plain keys, SHIFT + key, CTRL + SHIFT + key, and ALT + SHIFT +
key combinations, respectively. Each scope also has a colour associated with it.
Any time you hold down SHIFT or hit TAB, you’ll see a reminder of these scopes, and what
they’re currently assigned to. Each of the four scopes can be assigned to the Pads, the Pat-
terns, the Folders pane in the browser, or the Files pane in the browser.
There are also some shortcuts available at all times to control the engines, the screen mode,
and the transport.
To change which part of the interface a given scope is assigned to, hold down its modifiers
(nothing, SHIFT, CTRL+SHIFT, and ALT+SHIFT respectively), and then hit the TAB key. You will
see the colour coded highlight associated with that scope move around the screen as you hit
At any time, to see what shortcuts you currently have available, just hold down the SHIFT key.
Shortcuts you can access with a simple key press are colour coded BLUE. Shortcuts available
with SHIFT are orange; those available via CTRL+SHIFT are green, and ALT+SHIFT are yellow.
Note that the assignments for the F-keys (select screen-mode, select engine, solo engine,
mute engine) are hard wired and do not change with context. Same goes for the transport keys
(Space = play, Shift + Space = record, Shift + Enter = commit, Shift + Esc = undo).
So, for instance, to assign the SHIFT keys to the PADS, hold down SHIFT and hit TAB until the
orange highlight indicates the Pads. Then when you hold CTRL+ALT+SHIFT to see the current
shortcuts, you’ll see orange letters/numbers over each pad indicating which key controls which
Similarly, to assign the Plain keys to the FILES pane in the Browser, just hit TAB until the blue
highlight indicates the files pane. Now hitting the plain keys will access the browser.
Note that this allows you to scroll up and down thru the browser with the up/down arrow keys.
PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN are also supported.