FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module Mixing with BFD User Manual

Page 34

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Mixing with BFD

7. Re-introducing the room and PZM channels


Bringing the room and PZM
channels back into the mix adds
further spatial dimensions to the
drum mix.

The PZM channels are EQ’d, with
a heavy cut in the low-end and
some top-end boost.They are also
gated, so that they sound quite thin
and short. When the room sound is
mixed in, you don’t hear an obvious
gating effect. However, using a
gate in this situation cuts down on
excessive ‘roomyness’ when the
PZMs are combined with the room

The room channels have not been
EQ’d, but are compressed.

8. Adding some parallel bus compression


Setting up a parallel bus compressor over the whole mix, with the
exception of the kicks which were treated earlier, gives the sound of the
drums even more power.

9. Adding a touch of distortion


Finally, in the last audio example, you can hear the drum mix with some added distortion.
It has been added via an aux send, so the amount of each mic channel sent to the
distortion unit is controllable. Most of the channels are fed to the distortion, with the
exception of the cymbals.

The distortion is heavily EQ’d to remove the low and top-end, to avoid cluttering up the
sound. Using a subtle amount adds some bite and colour, without taking over the mix.

PZM processing

Room processing