FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module Mixing with BFD User Manual
Page 32

Mixing with BFD
Snare channels
Some low-end boost is added to
the top snare channel with small
cut in the mid-range to remove
some of the ‘ring’ of the undamped
snare. There is also a boost at
about 6 kHz.
A touch of compression is added,
with a high ratio (8:1). The
threshold is set fairly high, so that
the compressor will only react to
the loudest hits.
The bottom snare channel is set up
in much the same way but some
bass roll-off is also applied.
Both channels are also mildly
gated. The gate only closes a few
The hihat channels have had
their low-end removed and some
shelving EQ added at about 1 kHz
in order to accentuate their sizzle.
There is no compression applied to
the hihats.
The individual toms are treated
in the same way as each other,
in order to make sure that their
compression levels remained the
same and they kept their tonal
Some low-end boost is added
to emphasize the power of the
toms. Meanwhile, a mid-range cut
removes a lot of the sustain, which
on toms can be very ‘middly’ and
get in the way of a good mix. Some upper mid-range boost using a fairly narrow Q is also
added in order to bring out the ‘bite’.
Top snare mic
Bottom snare mic