Future Retro Swynx User Manual
Page 22

Using the Tap write method to enter notes into the CR-78 can take
some practice to play notes on the correct beat. This is because the
CR-78 has an internal quantization value of 48 steps per measure.
If you make a mistake, simply erase the track and try again.
You can combine Step and Tap writing methods when programming
the CR-78. For instance you may want to Step write a 1/4 note kick
and snare track to lay the foundation. Then switch to the Tap write
mode to lay down a bongo or conga track.
The Swynx supports the 24ppq (pulse per quarter note) DIN Sync
clock standard. This standard was popularized by Roland and used
throughout their DIN Sync line of equipment. Some other companies
like Korg adopted a 48 ppq DIN Sync clock standard.
While you can sync the 48ppq DIN Sync devices with the Swynx,
keep in mind that these devices will play back at half tempo, and
Swing values may have little to no effect on their timing.