Start-up checklist, 2 weeks after start-up, Every 3 months – FloAire FAV-M User Manual
Page 43: Yearly, Warning, Burner orifice drill size

Burner Orifice
Drill Size
Drill Size
Gas Port
Air Port
2 Weeks after Start-Up
1. Belt tension should be checked after the first two weeks of fan operation. Belts tend to stretch
and settle into pulleys after an initial start-up sequence. Do not tighten the belts by changing
the setting of the motor pulley. This will change the fan speed and may damage the motor.
To re-tension belts, turn the power to the fan motor OFF. Loosen the fasteners that hold the
blower scroll plate to the blower. Rotate the motor to the left or right to adjust the belt tension.
Belt tension should be adjusted to allow 1/64” of deflection per inch of belt span. Exercise
extreme care when adjusting V-belts as not to misalign pulleys. Any misalignment will cause a
sharp reduction in belt life and produce squeaky noises. Over-tightening will cause excessive
belt and bearing wear as well as noise. Too little tension will cause slippage at startup and
uneven wear. Whenever belts are removed or installed, never force belts over pulleys
without loosening motor first to relieve belt tension. When replacing belts, use the same
type as supplied by the manufacturer. On units shipped with double groove pulleys, matched
belts should always be used.
2. Before restarting a unit after maintenance checks, all fasteners should be checked for tightness.
Every 3 months
1. Belt tension should be checked quarterly. See instructions in the previous maintenance section.
Over-tightening will cause excessive bearing wear and noise. Too little tension will cause
slippage at startup and uneven wear.
2. Filters need to be cleaned and/or replaced quarterly, and more often in severe conditions.
Washable filters can be washed in warm soapy water. When re-installing filters, be sure to install
with the airflow in the correct direction as indicated on the filter.
1. Inspect bearings for wear and deterioration. Replace if necessary.
2. Inspect belt wear and replace torn or worn belts.
3. Inspect bolts and set screws for tightness. Tighten as necessary.
4. Inspect motor for cleanliness. Clean exterior surfaces only. Remove dust and
grease from the motor housing to ensure proper motor cooling. Remove dirt and
grease from the wheel and housing to prevent imbalance and damage.
5. Check for gas leaks and repair if present.
6. Clean flame sensor by rubbing with steel wool to remove any rust build-up,
7. Clean burner with a wire brush and insure burner ports are free of debris. Then wipe the burner
with a clean rag.
-The Start-Up must be completed after all field wiring and air balancing has been completed
-The Start-Up must be completed by a qualified HVAC technician
-The Start-Up Check list must be faxed into the Service Department to validate the product warranty