Before you begin – Comtrol RocketPort 550 uPCI Windows 2000 User Manual
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1. Before you begin
Prior to installing this version of the RocketPort, 550, RocketPort 550 Universal
& BroadPort 550 Universal device driver, any earlier installed versions MUST
BE REMOVED including all device information files and registry entries. If you
have earlier RocketPort/BroadPort 550 PCi drivers installed then refer to
appendix A before continuing.
If you are installing a RocketPort/BroadPort 550 driver for the first time on the
target PC then continue below.
The Windows 2000 device driver for the RocketPort 550/BroadPort 550 is supplied as
a single self extracting file.
The driver supports the original RocketPort 550 PCi range
as well as the newly introduced RocketPort 550 PCi Universal & BroadPort 550 PCi
Universal ranges.
The RP550/BP 550 PCi Universal controllers can be installed in PCi slots that support
either 3.3V or 5V bus signals. The original RocketPort 550 PCi range can only be
installed in PCi slots that support 5V signalling.
The original RocketPort 550 PCi controller will be referred to as the RocketPort
The RocketPort 550 PCi Universal controller will be referred to as the
RocketPort/BroadPort 550 Universal. The range consists of 4, 8 & 16 port
The BroadPort 550 PCi Univeral controller will be referred to as the BroadPort 550
Universal. The range consists of 8 & 16 port controllers.
Where commonality exists between the RocketPort 550, RocketPort 550 Universal
and BroadPort 550 Universal controllers, the term RocketPort/BroadPort 550 will
be used. This may be shortened to RP550/BP550.
Prior to installing the RocketPort 550, RocketPort 550 Universal or BroadPort 550
Universal controllers, the device driver software files must be extracted to a folder on
your PC’s hard disk.