Comtrol Building Custom Cables User Manual
Building custom cables

Building Custom Cables
Building Custom Cables
This section contains cabling information and how to build your own
custom cables for RocketPort controllers. To go to any of the following
topics, merely click on the topic:
DTE to DCE Straight-Through Cables
DTE to DTE Data-Only Null Modem Cables
DTE to DTE Control Loop-Back Cables
Building Custom Cables
Use this subsection if you want to build customized cables for the
Comtrol RocketPort controllers.
Usually you can buy the correct cables from distributors and electronics
stores for your controller. In some cases, your peripheral equipment
may need custom cables.
Check your equipment to understand what kind of cable to use, Data
Terminal Equipment (DTE) or Data Communications Equipment
(DCE). All Comtrol serial connectors are configured as DTE.
- FreeWire (54 pages)
- DeviceMaster LT (136 pages)
- PortVision DX (155 pages)
- eCos (814 pages)
- PRO DeviceMaster (178 pages)
- PRO DeviceMaster Rackmount Shelf Kit (3 pages)
- UP DeviceMaster User Guide (166 pages)
- UP DeviceMaster Quick Start (36 pages)
- UP DeviceMaster Installation (86 pages)
- Modbus TCP Quick Start (78 pages)
- Modbus TCP User Guide (112 pages)
- PROFINET IO (18 pages)
- UP DeviceMaster Filtering and Data Extraction (26 pages)
- 500 DeviceMaster (72 pages)
- SICK LMS (12 pages)
- IOLM 4-EIP (62 pages)
- IO-Link Master EIP-4 (114 pages)
- IOLM Modbus TCP (28 pages)
- ES7110 (14 pages)
- ES7506 (158 pages)
- ES7510 (202 pages)
- ES7510-XT (215 pages)
- ES7528 (224 pages)
- ES8105 (6 pages)
- ES8508 Series Quick Start (8 pages)
- ES8508 Series User Guide (212 pages)
- RocketLinx VLAN Web (5 pages)
- ES8509-XT (210 pages)
- ES8510 (204 pages)
- ES8510-XTE (206 pages)
- ES9528 User Guide (212 pages)
- ES9528 Quick Start (8 pages)
- MC5001 (8 pages)
- MC7001 (6 pages)
- RocketPort EXPRESS (36 pages)
- RocketPort EXPRESS SMPTE (28 pages)
- RocketPort INFINITY (32 pages)
- RocketPort Universal PCI (32 pages)
- Cable (38 pages)
- RocketPort Plus 422 Universal PCI (26 pages)
- RocketPort Plus Universal PCI (30 pages)
- VS3000U (44 pages)
- VS2000 V.34 (4 pages)
- VS1000 Configuration Guide (38 pages)
- VS1000 Installation Reference Card (13 pages)