Playback of mini disc, Before playing a md, Disc recorded in monaural mode – Kenwood BJV140Z User Manual

Page 16: Playing tracks in order from track no. 1, Turn the power on, Start playback

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Playback of Mini Disc

Use the following procedure to play a MD in the original

order of tracks from track No. 1.

Before playing a MD

Set the TIMER switch to OFF,



Disc recorded in monaural mode

This unit is capable of playing a Mini Disc recordedinthe
"monaural long-play mode." As the "monaural long-play
mode" requires half the amount of data required for
stereo mode recording, the playing time (recording time}
of the disc is doubled (to max. 148 minutes) from that in
the stereo mode.

• A Mini



ic-corcca me "monav-rs' lOng-ciav moce " cc'-'o: cc

piayec ''ormaily vv.m- eac omen: wn,c’' is nc: conioano e

iTionaj''5 p avoeXr.

Playing tracks in order from track No. 1

Turn the power ON.

case no s loace

(Wne'" "-STANDBY-" 'S aisoiayed, tun-- tne jni: ON oy pmssmg me

ON (I) / STANDBY (cD) Key oí tne remote contro; on it.

• Insert a Min Disc into the slot securely.
• "READING" blinks while the unit checks the contents of tne disc

• If a title has been assigned to the disc, that title will oe displayed.

lit the "PGM" ■naicato'" 'S lit, oress the CHARA. / P.MODE key of the

remote control unit to turn it ott.


Start playback.

• in a few' seconas,


starts from track No. 1.

Track No being oiayed

Elapsed time o* track

bo ng played

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