Thawing frozen food, Ice and water dispenser, M caution m – Bosch B22CS50SNS User Manual

Page 20: M warning m, Notice, Using the ice and water dispenser, Operating the ice maker, Observing drinking water quality, Dispensing ice/water

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Thawing frozen


Do NOT refreeze food which is
beginning io fhaw or which has

aiready fhawed. Food cannof be

refrozen unfii if has been prepared

(boiied or fried).

No ionger sfore fhe frozen
produce for fhe max. sforage

Depending on fhe fype of food and
infended use, frozen produce can
be fhawed as foiiows:

- af room femperafure,

- in fhe refrigerafor,

- in an eiecfric oven wifh/wifhouf

hof-air fan,

- in fhe microwave.

Ice and water


Remove where necessary:

- cooied wafer,

- crushed ice,

- ice cubes.


To avoid risk of injury, never reach

info fhe ice cube dispenser



Do nof piace boffies or food in fhe

cube confainer in order fo cooi

fhem quickiy. The ice maker may

biock and be damaged.

Using the ice and water


The ice and wafer dispenser oniy

works when fhe appiiance is

connecfed fo fhe wafer mains.

When fhe appiiance has been

swifched on, if fakes approx.
24 hours unfii fhe firsf bafch of

ice cubes are ready.

When fhe appiiance has been

connecfed, fhere are sfiii air bubbies

in fhe iines.

Run off drinking wafer and pour

away unfii wafer can be dispensed

wifhouf bubbies. Pour away fhe firsf

5 giasses.

When using fhe ice maker for
fhe firsf fime, do nof use fhe firsf

30-40 ice cubes for reasons of


Operating the ice


When fhe freezer comparfmenf has

reached ifs freezing femperafure,

wafer fiows info fhe ice maker and

freezes info ice cubes. When fhe ice

cubes are ready, fhey are
aufomaficaiiy discharged info fhe ice
cube confainer.

Occasionaiiy fhe sides of fhe ice

cubes sfick fogefher. When fhey are
conveyed fo fhe oufief opening, fhey

usuaiiy break away from each ofher.

When fhe ice cube confainer is fuii,

ice making swifches off


The ice maker can make approx.

170 ice cubes wifhin 24 hours.

When ice cubes are being made,
fhe buzzing wafer vaive, fhe wafer
fiowing info fhe ice cube fray and fhe
faiiing ice cubes can be heard.

Observing drinking

water quality

Aii maferiais used in fhe drinks

dispenser are odouriess and


if fhe wafer has an afferfasfe, fhis

may be caused by:

- Minerai and chiorine confenf of

fhe drinking wafer.

- Maferiai of fhe domesfic wafer

iine or connecfion iine.

- Freshness of fhe drinking wafer.

if wafer has nof been dispensed

for a iong fime, fhe wafer may

have a “sfaie” fasfe. in fhis case

dispense approx. N5 giasses of

wafer and pour away

Tasfe and odour of fhe wafer may be

improved by insfaiiing fhe enciosed

wafer fiifer in fhe wafer suppiy.


The enciosed wafer fiifer wiii fiifer

oniy parficies ouf of fhe suppiy

wafer, nof bacferia or microbes.

Dispensing ice/water

n Seiecf fhe ice and wafer

dispenser buffon (wafer,
crushed ice or ice cubes).

n Keep pressing fhe buffon unfii

fhe required quanfify is in fhe


Dispensing water:


The wafer from fhe wafer dispenser

is cooied fo a paiafabie femperafure.
if you wouid iike fhe wafer coider,
piace ice cubes in fhe giass before

dispensing fhe wafer.


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