When you can't easily record or request name, If your voice is too loud or too quiet – Pioneer CDX-P2050VS User Manual

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When you can't easily record or request name

You may not always succeed when recording or requesting name. If this happens, follow
the instructions below.

If the name you want to record or request is too long:

If the name is too long when you say it, you’ll hear “That name is too long. Please make
your request again,” from the speaker. The next time you say the name, shorten it by

saying it fast. If it is still too long, you’ll hear “That name is too long” once more fol­

lowed by a “beep” tone confirming that you have failed to record or request name. If this
happens, try once more from the beginning. (Recording of a name can continue for up to
2.5 seconds.)

If your voice is too loud or too quiet:

If your voice is too loud or quiet, the unit may not recognize it. However, if this happens,
the unit’s built-in automatic mic volume adjustment circuitry operates to enable
recognition provided your voice is within certain limits of loudness and quietness.
If your voice is too loud or too soft when you are recording or calling words, if “Please

make your request again” is output by the speaker, say the words again at the same vol­
ume as the speaker’s output. If the volume of your voice still prevents recognition, you’ll
hear a “beep” tone confirming your voice was not recognized. In this case, try again from
the beginning. When retrying, first try speaking at the same volume level. If the unit still

doesn’t recognize your voice and you have to try again, it means your voice volume is

beyond the level that can be adjusted by the built-in volume adjustment circuitry, so try

again, speaking at a slightly different volume level.