Carl Goldberg GPMA1966 Tiger 2 ARF User Manual
Page 13

1. Cut fi ve arms from a six-armed servo arm and enlarge
the outer hole and inner hole of the remaining arm with a
5/64" [2mm] drill bit. Install a screw-lock pushrod connector
into the inner hole of the servo arm. The plastic screw-lock
pushrod connector retainer may need to be trimmed down to
clear the center of the servo arm. Center the rudder servo with
your radio system and install the servo arm perpendicular to
the servo case as shown. As you did with the aileron servos,
install the rudder servo onto the left side of the servo tray.
2. Thread a nylon clevis 20 complete turns onto a 29-1/2"
[749mm] pushrod. Slide a silicone clevis retainer onto the
clevis. Then insert the pushrod into the rudder outer pushrod
tube and connect the clevis to the third outer hole of the
rudder control horn. As you did with the aileron pushrods,
use tape or a small clamp to hold the rudder in the neutral
position. Make a mark on the pushrod where it crosses the
outer hole in the servo arm. Make a 90 degree bend at the
mark on the pushrod and cut off the excess pushrod 1/4"
[6mm] beyond the bend (removing the pushrod from the
fuselage will make this easier). Attach the pushrod to the
servo arm using a 90 degree pushrod connector. Thread the
clevis up or down on the pushrod as necessary to center the
rudder with the servo arm perpendicular to the servo case.
When satisfi ed, slide the silicone clevis retainer to the end of
the clevis to secure it.
3. Install the elevator servo next to the rudder servo using
the hardware included with the servo. Be sure that the two
servos are not touching each other.
4. Install the elevator pushrod in the same manner as you
installed the rudder pushrod.