Finishing and painting – Carl Goldberg GBGP0105 User Manual

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Finishing and painting

Epoxy paints are strongly recommended since they are fuel proof. However, they do have to be

carefully mixed before using. Poly-urethane paints can be used right out of the can and are also fuel
resistant. But, depending on humidity, polyurethane paints may be slow to dry.

For a smooth, good-looking final appearance, we recommend spending some time preparing the

wood surfaces for painting. If most of your effort goes into the prep work, paint will flow and cover
better, producing a high quality finish you’ll be proud of. Painting alone will not hide defects. To
smooth out grainy wood, joints, etc., use modeling grade wood filler, or equivalent. Even household
“vinyl” spackle works well as a filler, although when dry it dents easily. Use whatever material you
feel comfortable with, just be sure it sands down easily. Although more expensive, polyester resin is
very easy to use since it usually only takes one coat to fill the surface. It dries to a hard surface in
about an hour regardless of humidity. And it sands well.

1. So that all surfaces are unobstructed for sanding and painting, remove all screws. Set these aside
for final assembly after painting. Similarly, the cradles should be dissembled so each part can be
carefully sanded and individually painted.

2. Apply paste fillers using a knife blade or plastic scraper to squeegee filler into wood pores, espe-
cially in end grain of the base and upright panels. Liquid fillers should be brushed on. Repeat appli-
cations may be required. Allow filler to dry thoroughly.

3. Wrap 100 grit sandpaper on a block and flat sand all exterior surfaces of the Tote. If desired, take
a little more time to smooth out interior areas of drawers and open top compartments. Interior of bat-
tery compartment does not require any sanding. Repeat sanding with 220 grit until surface begins to
smooth out. Repeat steps 2&3.

4. Remove all sanding dust from surfaces. Apply a good coat of primer and let dry. Additional appli-
cations of primer may be needed at porous areas (corners, end grain). Sand primed surfaces with
220 grit paper. If required, apply additional prime coats, sanding between coats until the surface
begins to smooth out. For final sanding, switch to 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper.

5. Using a tack rag, thoroughly wipe down the Tote and remove all excess dust. Following the paint
instructions, apply a very thin coat and allow to dry. Apply additional coats lightly, gradually building
up the color intensity. Heavy applications of paint will run.

6. The decal has pressure sensitive adhesive and only requires removing the backing and sticking
in place. It is best to remove about 1” of the backing and stick the end down, and then peel the
backing off as you rub the decal down from one end to the other. This will avoid getting wrinkles in
the middle that you cannot remove.

Clear finishing
Follow steps 1,2,&3 above except use plastic wood to fill nicks and dents. Automotive clear coat
works very well. Follow instruction on the label to apply.