Carl Goldberg GBGP0105 User Manual

Page 4

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1. † Begin construction by locating the bottom,
rear panel and left upright. Sand any burrs left from
the cutting process on the edges of the dado slots.
Lightly sand the bottom edge of the upright where it
fits into the dado slot. Trial fit the upright into the
dado slots on the floor and in the back panel. Align
the back panel on the floor making sure the dado
slots line up. Now insert the upright in the floor and
the back panel dado slots. Make sure the 1/8” dado
slots for the drawers line up on the back panel and
the upright. When satisfied with the fit you can use
CA glue or disassemble and use white glue.

align slots

align slots

2 † Locate the right upright and fit into the match-
ing dado slots on the floor and back panel. Make
sure the drawer slots on the back panel are aligned
with the slots on the upright.

align slots

hole for fuel pump wire

The rear lower corner of both uprights has a hole

to pass the wire from your power panel to the fuel
pump. There is enough room behind the drawers to
run the wire.

drawer slots aligned

right upright

hole for fuel pump wire

3.† Fit the drawer divider in the dado slots on the
floor and back panel. Be sure and turn it so the side
with three slots faces the right upright. Align the
dado slots for the drawer shelves with the back

hole for pump

align slots