Carl Goldberg GBGA1075 User Manual
Page 9

5. Install the shaft through the mounts by first
putting a washer, then the ball shaped
bearing,and inserting in one side. You must
then install the tiller arm on the shaft as it pass-
es through the fuselage. On the other side install
the ball shaped bearing, another washer and
then the other control arm. You must now mark
the location of the hole on the aluminum shaft
and drill a 3/32” hole to accept the 2mm screw.
Install the screw through the shaft and into.
Rotate the shaft so as both control arms point to
the bottom of the fuse. Through the access hole
on the bottom of the fuse. Center the tiller arm in
the fuselage and tighten the set screw. (See
Drawing on top of page 8)
6. you can mount the hatch cover on the bottom
of the fuselage using clear tape or screws (not
open hole
4. Using your #11 blade, open the hole on both
sides of the fuselage. Install the mounts in both
sides using the 2mm screws supplied. There is
an access hole in the bottom of the fuselage for
installing the plate on the inside.
Note: You may need to make the hole slight-
ly larger. Use a dowel with sand paper to
help open the hole. Do not open the hole
more than required.
7. Center the elevator servo in the tray and
mount the servo using the hardware supplied
with the radio.
Place the elevator pushrods on top of the servo
8. Making sure that the elevators are level, mark
the outer hole location on the pushrods and
make a 90 degree bend.
9. Insert the pushrods through the bottom of the
servo arm and install the nylon swing in keepers.
Cut off the remainer of the wire so 3/8” is show-