Motor installation – Carl Goldberg GBGA1072 User Manual

Page 11

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Next, using the hardware

supplied with the servos, mount them
to the servo rails.

Next, center the elevator and

rudder and secure them with
masking tape.

Center the servo arms and

make a 90° bend in the rod. It may
be necessary to cut off some of the
excess rod. Using two keepers from
the hardware pack, attach the
pushrods to the servo arms.

Motor Installation

Prior to installing the motor, it

is necessary to hook up the speed
control. We used the Maxx Products
# MX-9115. Follow the instructions
supplied with your speed control
prior to installing the motor in the

Locate the motor and gearbox.

There are three gear ratios. We used
the middle gear (2.5 to 1), but you
can experiment to get the
performance you prefer.