CAMCORP HVP with Roots Blower User Manual
Page 37

© Emerson Power Transmission Manufacturing, L.P. or affiliates 2003. All Rights Reserved.
Disconnect all power before adjusting units
Lubricate Bearing Bores of Housing. Sub-assemble the rear bearing onto worm shaft. Lock rear bearing onto shaft with
external snap ring. Insert shaft assembly from opposite extension end into housing until bearing is seated against shoulder
in bore. Lock shaft assembly in housing bore with internal snap ring. Coat outside diameter of stamped steel endcover with
adhesive sealant (except, if end cover is rubber coated DO NOT use sealant) and press into input bore opposite extension,
until flush with housing.
1.33 , 1.54, 2.62 and 3.00 C.D.:
Lubricate Bearing Bores of Housing. Sub-assemble the rear bearing onto worm shaft. Lock rear bearing onto shaft with
external snap ring. Insert shaft assembly from opposite extension end into housing until bearing is seated against shoulder
in bore. Lock shaft assembly in housing bore with internal snap ring. Press front bearing into extension side of housing
until seated against shoulder or snap ring on the worm shaft. Coat outside diameter of stamped steel endcover with
adhesive sealant (except, if end cover is rubber coated DO NOT use sealant) and press into input bore opposite extension,
until flush with housing.
3.75 through 6.00 C.D.:
Apply adhesive sealant to both housing input faces. Press extension side bearing inner-race onto worm shaft. Insert worm
shaft into extension side bore of housing. Hold worm shaft in place and slip bearing inner-race onto shaft until seated
against shoulder. Press rear bearing outer-race into housing bore opposite extension until seal cage can be installed. Install
seal cage. Adjust end play per instructions below (Item 3C).
Low Speed Shaft (Gear Shaft) Assembly
A. Determine output shaft direction.
B. Assemble low speed shaft assembly, seal cage, and end cover with shims on both seal cage and end cover.
Torque capscrews to torques listed in Table 1. Rotate the input shaft to seat output bearings.
C. Moving the shaft back and forth by hand, check axial float with dial indicator as shown in Figure 5. Axial float must
be .0005 - .003" with .0005 being the absolute minimum. Do not preload bearings. If the axial float is not as
specified, add or subtract required shims under end cover or behind bearing outer race, inside the cover,
depending on the unit.
D. Remove output shaft with seal cage and apply bluing to several teeth on the gear. Worm thread and gear teeth
must be clean of oil. Reassemble output shaft and seal cage with output key facing up.
E. Use a rag to apply hand pressure to the output shaft and rotate the high speed shaft both directions until the gear
teeth with bluing have gone through gear mesh several times. Return output shaft to original position. Remove
output shaft and seal cage to inspect contact. Compare with Figure 6. If contact is not correct, move assembly
in the direction shown in Figure 6 by adjusting the shims. Maintain the same total shim thickness so the bearing
end play is not affected. Repeat Steps D a E until contact pattern is acceptable.
F. Recheck axial float with dial indicator.
G. When contact pattern is correct, tighten seal cage and end cover capscrews to torques listed in Table 1.
Fig. 5