Avlink YX-3088 User Manual
Page 17

YX Matrix Switching System—User Manual
B. If PC provides RS-485, connection is as in Figure 5-10 below:
Figure 5-10
NOTE: 1. RS-485 baud rate: 9600bps, no odd or even calibration address,8bit data transmission
address,1bit stop address(96,N,8,1)
2. Connect your PC RS-485 port to the Matrix RS-485 port as follows:
TX(+) TX(+)
TX(-) TX(-)
RX(+) RX(+)
RX(-) RX(-)
3. Serial connection between Matrix RS-485 ports as shown below:
TX(+) TX(+)
TX(-) TX(-)
RX(+) RX(+)
RX(-) RX(-)
4. Each DIP sw1-5 address must not set to same ID number.