Table 3: baud rates -14 – Connect Tech DFlex-4/104 User Manual
Page 38

Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
DFlex-4/104 User's Manual, ver. 0.04
The purpose of the jumper is to provide compatability with device
drivers that won't select the desired baud rates if the DFlex4/104
is set for 460.8 kbps. For example most serial drivers expect a
maximum baud rate of 115.2 kbps (or a 1X oscillator), however if
you set the DFlex4/104 at 460.8kbps (4X oscillator) then you
have selected a baud rate that is FOUR TIMES FASTER!
Please refer to Table 3 for a list of standard and extended baud
rates for the DFlex-4/104.
Some device drivers actually autodetect or allow the user to
specify the oscillator frequency in order to select the desired baud
rate correctly:
The Connect Tech Windows95 driver
Control Panel Applet
has a
selection for DFlex/Fast or DFlex-4/104.(
The OS2 driver from Ray Gwinn (
) autodetects the
oscillator. (
The QNX4 driver
allows the user to specify what
to use. Selected with the
The OS2 driver from OS/tools Inc autodetects the oscillator.
Table 3: Baud rates
Standard Baud Rate.
(1X - set in software)
Jumper off J1
Max. Baud Rate
(4X standard)
Jumper on J1
50 200
75 300
150 600
300 1200
600 2400
1200 4800
2400 9600
4800 19.2k
7200 28.8k
9600 38.4k
19.2k 76.8k
38.4k 153.6k
57.6k 230.4k
115.2K 460.8K