Acura 2015 RLX - Advanced Technology Guide User Manual

Page 26

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A c u r a L i n k f e a t u r i n g A h a ™

Access music and information programming, location-based services, and social media
through your vehicle’s audio system. Download the AcuraLink app to your phone prior
to using this feature at Visit to
check if this feature is compatible on your phone. Standard data rates apply.




1. For Bluetooth connection: Make sure your phone is paired to Bluetooth




(see page 36) and the screen is on and unlocked.

For USB connection: Connect the dock connector to the USB port in the
center console (see page 42).

2. Select Audio Source and select the Aha icon. Streaming begins.

3. Use the ODMD to like/dislike songs, and the ODMD or steering wheel

controls to change tracks.


• iPhone can connect via Bluetooth or USB; Android can connect via

Bluetooth only.

• If you cannot operate Pandora through the audio system, it may be

streaming through Bluetooth


Audio. Make sure the Aha source on your

audio system is selected.

P l a y i n g A h a

Select the Aha icon
from Audio Source.

Select Stations to select
from 16 favorite stations.

Press MENU to view the
complete station list.

S e t t i n g s f o r Y o u r V e h i c l e

Change different settings for many features in your vehicle. See your Owner’s Manual
for detailed information on settings and options.

A d j u s t i n g S e t t i n g s

Navi Settings
Change various settings for
navigation system routing.

Camera Settings
Change camera modes.

Vehicle Settings
TPMS calibration, meter setup,
door setup, and more.

System Settings
Adjust the display, system
language, and more.

Choose from the available options:

Phone Settings
Pair a phone, change call and
text/e-mail options, and more.

Info Settings
Import wallpaper and select
clock type.

Audio Settings
Change sound options and
various settings for audio


SETTINGS to enter the settings


Use the interface dial to make and
enter selections.

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