Tcdc: tcdc stops working, Tc/web: cannot delete users, Tc/web: user right: enter number directly – Kofax Communication Server 9.2.0 User Manual

Page 26: Tc/web: filters not working

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Resolved Issues


Kofax Communication Server Release Notes

TCDC: TCDC Stops Working

Document Conversion would occasionally stop working when a leftover file remained in the

temporary folder. Files are now cleaned up properly. (SPR00124514)

TCDCLINK: Problem Between Printer Client and Printer

After printing a document that creates multiple print jobs, a deadlock could develop between

the printer client (tcddimcl.dll) and printer (tcddimon.dll). Restarting TCSRV and/or the

computer was necessary. (SPR00121761, SPR00121765)

This issue has been resolved.

TCDCLINK: Unsupported PDF Formats Don't Generate an Error

Portfolio PDF files are not supported by KCS. Their content was discarded and an alternate

content was shown, though the user was not notified. They properly generate a document

conversion error now. (SPR00093449)

TC/Web: Cannot Delete Users

It is now possible to mark and delete a user. (SPR00120106)

TC/Web: Cannot Access and Terminate Messages Using Metamail

It is possible access and terminate (mark complete) messages by clicking the received URL

(TC/At2Url). (SPR00113060, SPR00105008)

TC/Web: User Right: Enter Number Directly

Users without the right to enter numbers directly were able to do so. This user right

restriction is now properly enforced when creating or correcting a message. (SPR00118424)

TC/Web: Filters Not Working

Filters for From/Outbox and Recipient/Inbox did not work properly. This issue has been

resolved. (SPR00072598)

TC/VoiceAccess: Cannot Leave Message with VoiceMail

An END_OF_FILE message belonging to a previous connection was kept in the incoming

queue and interrupted the next attempt to leave a message. This issue has been resolved, and

all EOF messages not related to the current call are now suppressed. (SPR00113936)