Leveling and shimming – Kistler-Morse KM LD360s User Manual
Page 18

Leveling and Shimming
Leveling/Shimming using Universal Top Adapter Plate
Based on the Weight Distribution Chart (Figure 3-3)
and visual inspection, raise the vessel and cut/place
shims as required to adjust the distribution of weight on
the Load Discs. Begin with the “lowest output”
support first!
Gently lower the vessel and measure the dead weight
output and the output change of all of the Load Discs
to see how they are affected. Record again into the
Weight Distribution Chart on page 3-3.
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until you have achieved the
desired output change of all of the Load Discs.
Note: For installations where
leveling nuts are not used, load
balancing on the Load Discs
must be achieved by adding or
removing shims. Adjusting the
Load Discs to distribute the
vessel weight evenly may
require adding shims (supplied
by customer) systematically to
all disc locations.
The main objective of leveling/shimming the vessel is to distribute
the weight evenly on all of the Load Discs. Uneven weight distribu-
tion will reduce the accuracy of the weight measurement system as
a whole and in extreme cases may cause Load Disc damage.
Once the general instructions have been completed (page 3-2
through 3-4), begin the leveling and shimming instructions in this
Note: The Universal Top
Plate will accomodate angular
misalignment up to three
degrees maximum (Figure 3-6 ).
Ideally, the load is distributed
evenly across the top plate.
Figure 3-6: Angular misalignment
up to 3 degrees.
Note: Shims are typically
applied between the Load Disc
Top Plate and mating vessel
plate, but the gap condition
may exist at either the top or
bottom plates.
Note: Shimming the plates of
one Load Disc will probably
affect the weight distribution
on the Load Disc located on the
opposite side. Keep this in mind
while shimming.
CAUTION: If you need to
raise the vessel or one
vessel leg after installation,
loosen the bolts on all Load
Discs to prevent overload-
(1,000 to 7,000 lb capacity ONLY)
Chapter 3: Mounting the Load Disc