Inovonics Radius Installer User Manual
Page 26

End Device Installation and Configuration
6.24.13 06325C © Inovonics, 2013 -
As desired, enter a “Spoken Device Description.”
• This is only used if the spoken device pronunciation will differ from the
text entered under the “Monitored Device Description.” For example,
because “room number 1414” would be spoken as “room number one
thousand four hundred and fourteen,” this can be written as “room
number fourteen fourteen” so that it will be pronounced correctly. Another
example might be a word with a challenging text-to-speech pronunciation
like “anesthesiology,” which should be spelled phonetically. This change
will not show up on the main screen, reports, or pagers; it will only change
the pronunciation as spoken by the system.
Assign a custom “Alert Message” as desired.
Add “Notes” as desired in the available field.
Click “Update Device Record.”