11 edit tools, 12 snaptools, 13 preset / pattern tools – Doepfer Regelwerk (device no longer available) User Manual
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Doepfer Musikelektronik GmbH
User manual V1.0
Should you ever want to return to the default
name (for instance to save memory), you
need to confirm
by pressing OK, and thus deleting the user
name once more.
Also in this menu, it's possible to enter a
string which is transmitted if any of the
following events occur:-
a preset is called up
the Start button is pressed (or a real-time
start message is received)
the Stop button is pressed (or a real-time
stop message is received)
the Cont button is pressed (or a real-time
continue message is received)
the <<- rewind button is pressed
the ->> fast forward button is pressed
These settings are available for each of the
presets, and are ideal for, e.g., MMC (MIDI
machine control).
9.4.11 Edit Tools
For the time being, a fairly limited 'copy and
paste' type of editing is all that's available .
Copy: Event type x from source fader a
to Event type x at destination fader b
Types of event can be:
- Fader Event
- Key On Event
- Key Off Event
- Fader String
- Key On String
- Key Off String
Using the alpha dial you can scroll through
all the possible combinations of compatible
source and destination event types.
Using the fader select buttons 1-24, choose
the respective source and destination faders.
The data entry point always swaps between
source and destination faders.
9.4.12 SnapTools
Select the preset number by using either the
alpha-dial or a combination of the eight top
left hand buttons (labelled Preset/Snap Bank
/ Pattern Bank) and the 16 right-hand top
buttons. To select, e.g., snapshot 17, press
Bank 2, number 1.
A maximum of 128 snapshots are available.
Snapshots, like Event Strings, are stored in a
dynamically managed memory location.
That means that the maximum number of
snapshots available does depend on how
much space is left in this location.
The amount of memory used up is shown by
a percentage readout.
PresSnapMem: XXX%
If there's not enough space left, memory can
be re-used by using the individual delete
9.4.13 Preset / Pattern Tools
To select the 64 Presets & 64 Patterns you
use the same 8 bank buttons as for the
snapshots, again in combination with the 16
Preset/ Pattern buttons. The first four bank
buttons are for presets, and the second four
for patterns.
All the functions work in an identical way to
the snapshot functions.
64 Presets / 64 Patterns (all fully compatible
with the Doepfer Schaltwerk).
Select as with snapshots (Preset/Pattern Bank),
using the GetPreset page:-