I1/2>velmulall>o(1)(2) – Doepfer Regelwerk (device no longer available) User Manual
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Doepfer Musikelektronik GmbH
User manual V1.0
MIDI Input-Mode: (n.b.: not directly visible in
the display)
Each fader can be programmed to send MIDI
data to different combinations of MIDI Out ->
O12 = Output 1 & 2,
O1 = Output 1,
O2 = Output 2,
XXX = no value output.
A fader can also act as a MIDI data receiver -
incoming MIDI data are altered or 'worked on'
by the fader, and/or themselves change the
fader response – altering the output value,
switching the fader on, etc..
For these functions to work, the incoming
MIDI event must match the event the fader is
programmed for, and must be input at the
specified MIDI input - I1 (Input 1) or I2 (Input
2) - both inputs can't work simultaneously in
this mode.
When a MIDI event arrives at one of the
scans to see if any of
the faders is programmed to the MIDI mode.
Even with just one MIDI event input, all 24
faders are scanned (momentarily for Note-
On /Off, and Controller Events).
Scanning begins at fader 1 and proceeds
towards fader 24. If a match is found, the
relevant MIDI message is sent to that fader,
and the scan stops. In the current version of
software, therefore, you can't send the one
message to several different faders at once.
Bearing the scanning system in mind, it's best
(fastest) to use the faders as close as
possible to the left-hand side (low numbers)
for receiving data – and definitely worth
avoiding sending irrelevant data which
doesn't match any of the faders' settings. In
this worst case scenario, all 24 faders will be
abortively scanned – a serious and un-
necessary drain on processing ability.
Generally, the following algorithm shows the
logical path from left to right:
from input I (1/2) (from MIDI In1 or 2)
via data processing
to destination O(1)(2) (to MIDI Out 1
and/or 2).
Normal fader mode, with data output on MIDI
Out 1, 2 or both.
n.b. The following modes' status can be
accessed by moving the alpha dial clockwise
from Fader Event mode, not by pressing the
Fader Parameter button again.
I1/2> VelOvpOne> O(1)(2)
Velocity Overdub (one fader)
A MIDI Event input at a MIDI overwrites its
velocity (MIDI data byte 2) on the first fader
event which matches it.
This new value is output instead of the
original (fader) value from the selected MIDI
Out socket/s.
I1/2> VelOvpAll> O(1)(2)
Velocity Overdub All
the same as ‘one’ (see above) except that
MIDI data byte 1 is ignored, so that the
velocity message affects all 128 possible
events of this type on this MIDI channel.
Velocity Multiply One/All
Lke Overdub (see above), except that the old
velocity value isn't overwritten Instead the
fader velocity value and new MIDI value are
'multiplied' together – they interact.
I1/2> UpdateFad> O(1)(2)
The actual fader value can be changed by
remote control – used for the Regelwerk's
version of Total Recall, etc.
I1/2> HookOnFad> O(1)(2)
Hook Mode: If this mode is activated (as
shown in the Special Funct. menu) any fader
set to it doesn't send any data out at all, until
a matching MIDI event present at a MIDI In
hits its actual value.
(The threshold for this 'hook' can be set in
Special Funct.) As soon as these criteria are
met, the fader is released, and can send
data. This is shown by fast blinking on the
relevant LED.