String-xpos – Doepfer Regelwerk (device no longer available) User Manual
Page 26

Doepfer Musikelektronik GmbH
User manual V1.0
Step velocity
Selects individual step velocity by using the
faders (changing the MIDI channel changes the
instrument playing this step).
Step note
Selects individual step note number by using the
faders (changing the MIDI channel changes the
instrument playing this step
No status
Selects no event to be sent – if for instance the
fader is being used just as a master controller.
To some extent, the parameters which are
controllable by meta-events can also be
controlled by other means (in the sequencer
Using meta-events for control has the main
advantage that almost all fader control
features and functions can also be controlled
by meta-events.
The disadvantage is that if meta-events are
being used, the faders can only be used for
sequencer, not Fader events.
MidiEvent: StpVel, StpNot
there's also a display for
since it's essential, when dealing with a fader as
controller, to know which step number is being
MidiEvent: Extens, TrkPat, TrkRun, TrkVel,
there's also a display for
‘Not used Par.:’
since for sequencer fader events the MIDI
channel is selected in the Sequencer Parameter
First MIDI data byte in words, plus Note Off
note: , Note Number: , Pol Aft Number: ,
Contrl Number: , Prg Chn Number: , Mon Aft
Number: , Pitch Be Val.1: , String-Xpos: .
Range 0..127.
This is the location where the fader's actual
value is entered. 'Sld' is short for 'slider'.
If the ‘String’ event type shows this display:
then the desired variable value for the fader
should be input. This can go from 0-127.
MidiEvent: Extens, TrkPat, TrkRun, TrkVel,
TrkNot, StpVel, StpNot
there's also a display
since for sequencer fader events it's necessary
to specify which track is being referred to.
Second MIDI data byte in words:
NoteOfVeloci: , NotenVelocit: ,
PolAftVeloci: , ContrlValue: , No sec. Byte:.
With regard to the adjustment range as above,
normally the Sld (slider) value will be set here.
When this value is irrelevant or invalid for a
particular type of event, the following message
No sec.Byte , PitchBeVal.2: , String......: .