Description of presets – Doepfer Pocket Control/Pocket Fader (device no longer available) User Manual

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Page 9

Description of presets

Preset 0:


[controller 7]

(Channels 1-16)

Preset 1:


[controller 10]

(Channels 1-16)

Preset 2:

Filter Cutoff

[controller 74]

(Channels 1-16)

Preset 3:

Filter resonance

[controller 71]

(Channels 1-16)

Presets 0 ~ 3 use a single controller type, with each knob relating to it’s corresponding MIDI channel, this allows full
control of 16 parts within a multitimbral sound generator, or realtime mixing in sequencer automation.

Preset 4:

Volume / Pan

[controller 7 / 10]

(Channels 1-8)

Preset 5:

Volume / Pan

[controller 7 / 10]

(Channels 9-16)

Preset 6:

Filter Cutoff / Resonance

[controller 74 / 71]

(Channels 1-8)

Preset 7:

Filter Cutoff / Resonance

[controller 74/ / 71]

(Channels 9-16)

Presets 4 ~ 7 use two controllers, one across the top row of knobs and the other across the bottom row. With Preset 4, the
top row is MIDI controller 7 (Volume) with the MIDI channel corresponding to the knob number, whilst the lower
row is MIDI controller 10 (Pan) on the same channel as the knob above it, hence knob 9 is channel 1, knob 10 is
channel 2 etc. Preset 5 follows the same idea except the MIDI channel is channels 9 to 16, so the actual MIDI channel
relates to the lower knob numbers. Preset 6, again follows the same idea as Preset 4 except the top row is MIDI
controller 74 (Filter Cut off ) and the lower row is controller 71 (Filter Resonance), and finally Preset 7 is the same as
Preset 6 except the channels are 9-16.

Preset 8:

general controllers

[controllers 0 - 15]

(Master channel)

Preset 9:

general controllers

[controllers 16 - 31]

(Master channel)

Preset 10:

general controllers

[controllers 32 - 47]

(Master channel)

Preset 11:

general controllers

[controllers 48 - 63]

(Master channel)

Preset 12:

general controllers

[controllers 64 - 79]

(Master channel)

Preset 13:

general controllers

[controllers 80 - 95]

(Master channel)

Preset 14:

general controllers

[controllers 96 - 111]

(Master channel)

Preset 15:

general controllers

[controllers 112 - 127]

(Master channel)

Presets 8 ~ 15 are general controller sets, which transmit on the Master Channel. Where the receiving MIDI device can
be programmed to any controller it can receive, these presets maybe the only presets needed, although preset 8 is
perhaps best avoided for general use as it includes controller 0 (could trigger MIDI program bank changes) and controller
1 which is the mod wheel, although of course there may be instances when MIDI controller 1 is required, such as adding
a modulation wheel function to a keyboard (such as a digital piano). Preset 12 also needs to be used with caution, as
controller 64 is defined as the sustain/damper pedal function, and most devices will always receive this controller as
Damper or Hold.

Preset 16:

GS / XG general controls

[NRPN / controllers]

(Master channel)

Preset 16 has the top row of knobs transmitting relevant NRPN controller data for GS/XG instruments, and the lower
row is general controllers:-

Knob 1

Filter Cutoff


Knob 2

Filter Resonance


Knob 3

Vibrato Rate


Knob 4

Vibrato Depth


Knob 5

Vibrato Delay


Knob 6

EG- Attack


Knob 7

EG Decay


Knob 8

EG Release


Knob 9

Pitch Bend


Knob 10


[Controller 1]

Knob 11

Portamento Time

[Controller 5]

Knob 12

Reverb Send Level

[Controller 91]

Knob 13

Chorus Send Level

[Controller 93]

Knob 14

Delay/Var Send Level

[Controller 94]

Knob 15


[Controller 10]

Knob 16


[Controller 7]

Page 16

Preset 58

Yamaha CS1X control

[NRPN / Controller]

(Master Channel)

Knob 1

Filter Cutoff

[Controller 74]

Knob 2

Filter Resonance

[Controller 71]

Knob 3

Vibrato Rate


Knob 4

Vibrato Depth


Knob 5

Vibrato Delay


Knob 6

Envelope Attack

[Controller 73]

Knob 7

Amplitude Envelope Decay


Knob 8

Envelope Release

[Controller 72]

Knob 9

Pitch Bend

[Pitch Bend]

Knob 10

Knob 3 Parameter

[Controller 17]

Knob 11

Knob 6 Parameter

[Controller 18]

Knob 12

Reverb Send

[Controller 91]

Knob 13

Chorus Send

[Controller 93]

Knob 14

Delay/Variation Send

[Controller 94]

Knob 15


[Controller 10]

Knob 16


[Controller 7]

Preset 59

Waldorf Pulse Control


(Master Channel)

Knob 1

Filter Cutoff

[Controller 50]

Knob 2

Filter Resonance

[Controller 56]

Knob 3

Filter Cutoff Keytrack

[Controller 51]

Knob 4

Envelope 1 Sensitivity

[Controller 52]

Knob 5

Envelope 1 Attack

[Controller 14]

Knob 6

Envelope 1 Decay

[Controller 15]

Knob 7

Envelope 1 Sustain

[Controller 16]

Knob 8

Envelope 1 Release

[Controller 17]

Knob 9

LFO 1 Speed

[Controller 24]

Knob 10

LFO 2 Speed

[Controller 26]

Knob 11

VCF Modulation Amount

[Controller 25]

Knob 12

Portamento Time

[Controller 5]

Knob 13

Envelope 2 Attack

[Controller 18]

Knob 14

Envelope 2 Decay

[Controller 19]

Knob 15

Envelope 2 Sustain

[Controller 20]

Knob 16

Envelope 2 Release

[Controller 21]

Preset 60

Ensoniq ASR-X

[NRPN / Controller]

(Master Channel)

Knob 1

Filter Cutoff

[Controller 74]

Knob 2

Filter Resonance

[Controller 71]

Knob 3

Vibrato Rate

[Controller 75]

Knob 4

Vibrato Depth


Knob 5

Vibrato Delay


Knob 6

Filter Envelope Attack


Knob 7

Filter Envelope Decay


Knob 8

Filter Envelope Release


Knob 9

Pitch Bend

[Pitch Bend]

Knob 10


[Controller 1]

Knob 11

Envelope Attack

[Controller 73]

Knob 12

Envelope Decay

[Controller 76]

Knob 13

Envelope Release

[Controller 72]

Knob 14

Velocity Sensitivity


Knob 15

Portamento Time

[Controller 5]

Knob 16


[Controller 7]