Doepfer Pocket Control/Pocket Fader (device no longer available) User Manual
Page 6

Owners Manual
Owners Manual
Page 6
To clear an error
To clear any MIDI input error such as a MIDI overflow (too much data in one
go), press the snapshot switch briefly once (do not press it again until at least one second has
passed, or this would enter the snapshot mode).
Functions of the DIP switches (rear panel)
The eight rear panel DIP switches select settings of the pocketC, the settings can
be looked upon as a binary number where each switch can be either on or off, this
allows up to 256 functions to be selected from the eight DIP switches. The switch
is referred to ON or 1, when set towards the top panel, and referred to OFF or 0
when set towards the bottom panel.
Only seven of the switches are used to select one of the 128 presets. The eighth
switch is not used at present and has no functions, but it is good practice to leave it in the OFF
position, as a future update may make use of this switch position. The switches are numbered
one to eight on the switch block itself, when relating the switch positions to a binary number,
then the least significant bit is towards the middle of the pocketC and numbered 1 on the
switch. It is switch number 8 that is not used.
The factory shipped default setting is Preset number 0, which is all switches off
(towards bottom) which is defined as MIDI Volume across all MIDI channels.
The following listing, lists all the 64 presets that are shipped in the pocketC, note
that the switch settings are shown with the least significant bit to the right (as would normally be
shown with a binary number), so note the switch numbering which is eight to the left and one
to the right, this relates to the switch position when looking at the rear panel of the pocketC. If
holding the pocketC, you tip the unit up at the back to look into the DIP switches that way, you
will be looking at the DIP switches the other way with one to the left and eight to the right,
when doing this remember that the switch order will be the reverse. The following list of presets
shows the switch position split into two groups of four, as this should help reading the switch
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Creating your own presets
New presets can be created or present ones can be altered, though it is recommended to dump
all new presets into locations 65 ~ 127.
Every knob of the pocketC can be assigned with three 7-bit parameters (between 0 and 127),
these parameters define the MIDI event transmitted by the knobs. Each preset can be dumped
into the pocketC by a System Exclusive message. This is a two stage process, first the data is sent
to the pocketC (Single Dump) and then a second message stores the data into non-volatile
memory (Single Store). The data is only stored if the preset number is the same in both the
Single Dump and Single Store messages are the same.
Parameter 1:
This first parameter defines the MIDI channel that the event will be transmitted on (values 1 ~
16), or if the event will use the Master Channel (value set to 0).
Parameter 2:
The second parameter describes the type of event. The pocketC does not allow you to program
any MIDI string, but uses one of it’s 128 preset events (which is the number set with parameter
2). This list of events include controllers, pitch bend, mono & poly aftertouch, note on, note
off, RPN’s and many NRPN’s along with some more complex Sys-Ex strings for controlling
Roland GS and Yamaha XG instruments.
Parameter 3:
The third parameter is an extension of parameter 2, many events need two values to determine
the event, for example, if a value of 00 is set in parameter 2 (which is controller) then parameter
3 sets the controller number (perhaps a value of 7 to define Volume events).
The Sys-Ex message can be generated within a sequencer program (it is best to use Hex if
possible), or the default file Pc_xxx.mid on the enclosed disk can be used as a basis for editing.
This default file contains the following message (Hex):
F0 00 20 20 14 00 20 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07
07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 F7
F0 00 20 20 14 00 30 00 00 F7
The first message is the Single Dump and the second message is the Single Store. Please note,
that this default is about to overwrite preset number 00, shown in bold above as the eighth data
byte. It is an idea to experiment with preset 127 (set the data to Hex 7F), but don’t forget to
change the value in both strings. The function of this default dump is to set the knobs to MIDI
volume on their own channels - this is actually the preset data in preset 00 anyway.