List of presets 1 ~ 64, Troubleshooting – Doepfer Pocket Control/Pocket Fader (device no longer available) User Manual
Page 7
Owners Manual
Owners Manual
Page 7
List of presets 1 ~ 64
Switch Pos.
8765 4321
0000 0000
Preset 0
Volume (control 7)
Channels 1 - 16
0000 0001
Preset 1
Pan (control 10)
Channels 1 - 16
0000 0010
Preset 2
Filter Cutoff (control 74)
Channels 1 - 16
0000 0011
Preset 3
Resonance (control 71)
Channels 1 - 16
0000 0100
Preset 4
Volume (control 7) /Pan (control 10)
Channels 1 - 8
0000 0101
Preset 5
Volume (control 7) /Pan (control 10)
Channels 9 - 16
0000 0110
Preset 6
Filter Cutoff (control 74) /Resonance (control 71)
Channels 1 - 8
0000 0111
Preset 7
Filter Cutoff (control 74) /Resonance (control 71)
Channels 9 - 16
0000 1000
Preset 8
Control 0 - 15
0000 1001
Preset 9
Control 16 - 31
0000 1010
Preset 10
Control 32 - 47
0000 1011
Preset 11
Control 48 - 63
0000 1100
Preset 12
Control 64 - 79
0000 1101
Preset 13
Control 80 - 95
0000 1110
Preset 14
Control 96 - 111
0000 1111
Preset 15
Control 112 - 127
0001 0000
Preset 16
GS/XG General controls
0001 0001
Preset 17
AWE/SB 1 (Filter, LFO2, ENV1)
0001 0010
Preset 18
AWE/SB 2 (LFO1, ENV 1)
0001 0011
Preset 19
AWE/SB 3 (LFO2, ENV 2)
0001 0100
Preset 20
AWE/SB 4 (Tuning, Modulation)
0001 0101
Preset 21
AWE/SB 5 (Filter, Effects, Portamento, Aftertouch) Masterchannel
0001 0110
Preset 22
GS/XG Drum Pitch
0001 0111
Preset 23
GS/XG Drum Level
0001 1000
Preset 24
GS/XG Drum Pan
0001 1001
Preset 25
GS/XG Drum Reverb Levels
0001 1010
Preset 26
GS/XG Drum Chorus Levels
0001 1011
Preset 27
GS/XG Drum Delay/Variation Levels
0001 1100
Preset 28
XG Drum Filter Cutoff
0001 1101
Preset 29
XG Drum Filter Resonance
0001 1110
Preset 30
XG Drum Envelope Attack
0001 1111
Preset 31
XG Drum Envelope Decay
0010 0000
Preset 32
XG Multi-Part Level
Channels 1 - 16
0010 0001
Preset 33
XG Multi-Part Pan
Channels 1 - 16
0010 0010
Preset 34
XG Multi-Part Reverb Send
Channels 1 - 16
0010 0011
Preset 35
XG Multi-Part Chorus Send
Channels 1 - 16
0010 0100
Preset 36
XG Multi-Part Dry Level
Channels 1 - 16
0010 0101
Preset 37
XG Multi-Part Variation Level
Channels 1 - 16
0010 0110
Preset 38
XG Low EQ Gain
Channels 1 - 16
0010 0111
Preset 39
XG Low EQ Frequency
Channels 1 - 16
0010 1000
Preset 40
XG High EQ Gain
Channels 1 - 16
Page 18
Preset 64
Yamaha 01V
(Master Channel)
Knob 1
Stereo In Level
Controller 16
Knob 2
Stereo Out Level
Controller 21
Knob 3
Stereo Out Balance
Controller 67
Knob 4
Stereo Out 2 Cue
Controller 82
Knob 5
Stereo In to Cue
Controller 75
Knob 6
Send 4 Level
Controller 20
Knob 7
Send 3 Level
Controller 19
Knob 8
Internal FX 1 Type
Controller 20 (?)
Knob 9
Send 3 to Cue
Controller 80
Knob 10
Send 4 to Cue
Controller 81
Knob 11
Send 3/4 Balance
Controller 66
Knob 12
FX Return 1 Level
Controller 17
Knob 13
FX Return 2 Level
Controller 18
Knob 14
FX Return 1 to Cue
Controller 78
Knob 15
FX Return 2 to Cue
Controller 79
Knob 16
Internal FX 2 Type
Controller 21 (?)
Presets 65 ~ 128 are undefined, though as new presets are created, they can be loaded into the pocketC by a Sys-Ex
MIDI file. The enclosed disk includes new presets, with details in the README.TXT file .
There will be times when the pocketC does not seem to be working as expected, before suspecting
a faulty pocketC, the checklist below should help resolve the problem.
Is the pocketC powered up correctly? There is no actual power indicator on the pocketC,
but the LED is always active. Moving a knob will flash the LED (the LED does not flash if the
knob has not been assigned a function), or briefly pressing the Snapshot switch will cause the
LED to flash for around a second as the pocketC resets.
Is the pocketC set to the correct preset? Maybe one of the dip switches has moved
accidentally or a MIDI program change has set a new preset up. Check the dip switch settings.
Is the pocketC set to the correct MIDI channel? Many presets make use of the Master
Channel, there is no way of checking what the Master Channel is set to (other than monitoring
the transmitted data), so the best procedure here is to set the Master Channel again to double
check it is correct. Hold the Snapshot switch down for at least a second, and whilst keeping it
down move the relevant knob that corresponds to the required MIDI channel. Make sure you
do not move another knob after this before releasing the Snapshot switch, as it is the last knob
moved that sets the Master Channel.
Problems with Sys-Ex transfers? Remember that the pocketC always merges it’s own data
with MIDI input data, this can cause a MIDI loop when receiving Sys-Ex, therefore you may
find it best to disconnect the MIDI out of the pocketC when sending it Sys-Ex messages, or at
least make sure the transmitting device is not MIDI thru enabled.
You cannot get the pocketC to make the Coffee. Er ... no, the pocketC actually cannot
do this unless you have a MIDI controlled kettle...