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After a few minute, the result will pop up. If the backup file is changed or moved, the system will pop up
“Watermark Check Fail”, if the backup file was not changed or moved, the system will prompt “Watermark
Check Ok”.
SnapShot: Click SnapShot button, a picture pops up for saving or printing. The user can select
directory to save, and also can print it directly.
Snap Again:
If you want to snap the next picture, Please press the “Snap Again” button.
When you click the “OK” button, a dialog box pops up for saving place. Fill the file name and choose the
file type, then click “Save” of the dialog box.
When you click the Print button, the system will display the setup of the printer. If you want to print this
picture, press PRINT, then the dialog box of printer setup will be displayed. If you do not want to print it,