ChemoMetec SP-100 User Manual
Page 15

1 Installation
For the installation of SemenView insert the NucleoCounter SP-100 CD-ROM into the
computer. To start the installation, locate the file “SETUP.EXE” on the CD-ROM and open
it (double-click it using the mouse). The dialogue shown in figure 6 will appear. Click
“Finish” to complete the installation.
Figure 6 Dialogue box for installation of SemenView.
When the installation is finished the computer will display a dialogue saying
“SemenView installation successful!”. Click “OK” and proceed with the installation of the
LabVIEW application as described below.
SemenView is programmed in the LabVIEW system. Therefore it is necessary to install a
LabVIEW application on the hard disk. When SemenView has been installed, the
installation of a LabVIEW application is automatically activated and a dialogue is shown,
see Figure 7. Please click “Next” to continue.
Figure 7 Start-up dialogue for installation of the LabVIEW application