Checkline AT-VERIFY User Manual
Positest, Verifier

Instruction Manual v. 1.0
The PosiTest AT Verifier kit is ideal for checking the accuracy and operation of
adhesion testers and is an important component in fulfilling both ISO and in-house
quality control requirements.
The kit is ready to use with all PosiTest pull-off adhesion testers. All setup
information has been preset by DeFelsko. No additional configuration is required
or recommended. If the Smart Sensor Indicator (SSI) settings are mistakenly
altered, see Reconfiguring the SSI Device (pg. 3).
Kit includes:
- Smart Sensor Indicator (SSI) Device
- Load Cell with steel 20mm Loading Fixture (dolly)
- Built-in rechargeable Lithium Ion Batteries
- Universal AC power adaptor/charger
- Instruction Manuals (2)
- Certificates of Calibration (2)
- Sample Certificate of Accuracy
- Measurement Uncertainty Worksheet
- Hard shell carrying case
Smart Sensor Indicator (SSI)
Load Cell to SSI
Connection Cable
- CDT-1000HD (6 pages)
- CDT-2000HD (9 pages)
- DT-105A (7 pages)
- DT-205LR (7 pages)
- PLT-5000 (7 pages)
- HTM (10 pages)
- YSL-2000HD (9 pages)
- DLM-107A (2 pages)
- A2105 (4 pages)
- DT-5TG (8 pages)
- MT2013 (2 pages)
- DT-209X (68 pages)
- WT3-200 (29 pages)
- WTT-110 (11 pages)
- WTT-110 (2 pages)
- WTTM-GEN1 (11 pages)
- TT-QC (10 pages)
- TT-QCM (16 pages)
- MTM (14 pages)
- ILTT (9 pages)
- TT02 (28 pages)
- TT Series (6 pages)
- DI-1M (6 pages)
- DIS-IP (6 pages)
- R55 (18 pages)
- TT05 (26 pages)
- CAP-TNP (10 pages)
- TSTM (9 pages)
- ETW (11 pages)
- HTG2 (8 pages)
- AD-100 (10 pages)
- DD-100 (3 pages)
- HP Series (6 pages)
- HPSA-R (5 pages)
- EMS4 (27 pages)
- MKM (5 pages)
- MST (24 pages)
- MLT (18 pages)
- DT-5TS (20 pages)
- DIW (6 pages)
- DID-4 (6 pages)
- DIS-RL (6 pages)
- DSD-4 (4 pages)
- MGT (2 pages)
- CAP-TT01 (28 pages)