Checkline KXB User Manual

Page 5

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The 3-roller system for
tension measurement relies
on the displacement of the
middle roller to give an
indication of line tension.
As the material diameter
or thickness changes, there
will be a change in tension
reading, even though line
tension has not changed. To
offset this effect, high-range
instruments (1000 grams and higher) are usually fur-
nished with a Thickness Compensator, as shown here.
To determine whether the Compensator needs to be
used for a specific application, take readings with and
without the process sample in the Compensator using
a hanging weight approximately equal to the process
operating tension.

To set up the Thickness Compensator, proceed as

1. With the Thumb Piece pushed forward and held,

pass a sample of the process material through the
opening at the instrument end, as pictured here,
making sure it lies between the two visible
disc-like anvil surfaces.

2. Allow the Thumb Piece to SLOWLY return to its

original position.

CAUTION: Do not let the Thumb Piece snap

back as this may affect calibration and also
damage the instrument.

3. Secure the process sample ends under the spring

clip provided or with some tape. The instrument
is now ready to use

5.4 Calibration Verification Schedule

Frequency of calibration accuracy verification depends
on many factors. These include frequency and extent
of tension overloads, operating speeds, length of oper-
ating times, environment, care in handling, etc. Such
determination is best made by the user’s Quality
Assurance Department based on the user's experience.
However, a quick calibration check near the anticipat-
ed process tension levels should be done to confirm the
integrity of the instrument, as follows:

1. At the beginning of each work session

2. Every time a unit is dropped

3. Whenever process readings seem to be out of

tolerance for no apparent reason

The quick check can be made with a simple load stand,
as shown in 5.0, above, using a sample of the process
material and weights that are close to the tensions
encountered in the process. Be sure to move the
tension meter up and down slowly to simulate the
motion of the running process material. This will check
the condition of the guide roller ball bearings and
remove any inertia effect of the movement. Readings
that change with this motion reversal may indicate the
possibility of a guide roller ball bearing problem.

In the case of wire, which might be slightly deformed
by the action of the 3- roller system during static
measurement, always move to a fresh portion of the
wire each time a measurement is made. (In production,
the instrument always “sees” a fresh portion.)

This manual is related to the following products: