Checkline TT-QC User Manual
Page 4
AWS-QC Guide
Sample mode is the normal operating mode used for measurement. When a
measurement is taken, the current transducer sample or current peak is
displayed. If a peak is inside the low and high limits, or the limit(s) is/are off,
the LED will light up green. Otherwise, the LED will light up red to warn the
user that the measurement is out of limits.
The program menu alternates display of the item name and the current
setting. The program menu will time out after 5 seconds without a button
press. All settings will be saved and the display will return to sample mode.
Buttons for menu navigation:
Up (ENG): Go to the next item.
Down (MDE): Go to the previous item.
CLR: Exit back to sample mode and save all settings.
ENT: Change the current item.
Menu Items:
(Some models may not have all menu items)
LOC: Current memory location. Press ENT to enter view mode. (see below)
MEM: Memory enable. On, Off.
A.C.: Autoclear time, in seconds. Off, 1 - 9
FILT: Peak filter frequency response, in hertz. 125, 250, 500, 750, 1500.
PPER: Minimum peak, percentage of full scale. 2 - 50.
S.L.: Sign lock. On, Off.
LOW: Lower limit. A setting of 0.000 disables the limit. Press ENT to enter the
number edit mode. (see below)
HIGH: Upper limit. A setting of 0.000 disables the limit. Press ENT to enter the
number edit mode. (see below)
F.S.: Full scale in the current units. Not editable.
SLEEP: Inactive time to sleep, in minutes. Inactive time is when no buttons
are pressed and the transducer is in zero blanking. Off, 1 - 20.