3 .4 fiber-optic measuring cells and accessories – BUCHI NIRFlex N-500 User Manual

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3 Technical data


NIRFlex N-500 Operation Manual, Version F

3 .4

Fiber-optic measuring cells and accessories

3 .4 .1

NIRFlex Fiber Optic Solids

Technical data NIRFlex Fiber Optic Solids

extended range InGaAs (temperature controlled)

Electric power supply

100−230 VAC ± 10 %, 50/60 Hz, 20 W

Ambient conditions

< 80 % relative humidity for T < 31 °C, linear decreasing
to 67 % at 35 °C, max. 2500 m, for indoor use only

Ambient temperature

5−35 °C ( 25 ± 5 °C recommended)

Pollution degree


Installation category


Temperature range at probe tip

0 °C−80 °C

Standard length of fiber optic probe

2 m (available up to 5 m)


Technical data Transflectance adapter (Fiber Optic Solids)
Max. operating temperature

120 °C


Transflectance sleeve material: Steel no. 1.4435
Spacer ring material: Steel no. 1.4305
Transflectance adapter window: Quartz glass
(Infrasil 303) sealed with fluorine rubber O-rings

Available pathlengths

0.5 mm, 1 mm, 1.5 mm

3 .4 .2

NIRFlex Fiber Optic Liquids

Technical data NIRFlex Fiber Optic Liquids

extended range InGaAs (temperature controlled)

Electric power supply

100−230 VAC ± 10 %, 50/60 Hz, 20 W

Ambient conditions

< 80 % relative humidity for T < 31 °C, linear decreasing
to 67 % at 35 °C, max. 2500 m, for indoor use only

Ambient temperature

5−35 °C ( 25 ± 5 °C recommended)

Pollution degree


Installation category


Temperature range of the probe head at the probe tip

0 °C−150 °C

Max. pressure at the probe tip

6 bar

Standard length of fiber optic probe

2 m (available up to 7 m)


2 mm