Polymath – Analogue Solutions Polymath User Manual
Page 43

Analogue Solutions | Circuits – Main PANEL
HOLD push button / LED
When the Arp’ is on, this button toggles on / off HOLD mode.
When this is activated then any note you play will be memorised even after you have
released the key. The memorised notes will be cancelled once HOLD is turned off.
It will note only remember pitch (note number) but also velocity (how hard you hit the key).
This is perfect to have, for instance, the filter cut-off to play back a particular pattern of cut-
off setting (when MIDI Velocity is set to mod’ cut-off).
MODE push button / LED
There are 3 modes, the way in which the arppegiator plays back the notes.
Push the button to cycle through each setting. The LED will flash to indicate the mode.
If say, notes C, E, G are played (in that order) and held, then;
The order played back will be C E G C E G etc
The order played back will be G E C G E C etc
The order played back will be C E G G E C C E G G E C etc
RANGE push button / LED
When this is activated the sequence of notes will play as normal once, then the second time
repeat but an octave higher. Then after this higher octave they will be played back at the
original lower octave.
RANGE push button / LED