Polymath – Analogue Solutions Polymath User Manual
Page 42

Circuits – Main PANEL | Analogue Solutions
An arpeggiator allows you to hold down 2 or more and have those notes played out
Eg, hold down notes C, E and G, (as a chord) and the arpeggiator will play back singles
notes in a sequence, C, then E, then G, and then loop back to C and repeat.
Note!!! For the Arpeggiator to work it needs a timing signal. This could be the LFO (square
wave) or MIDI note (gate signal) for example. So for it to work, you must patch the timing
signal to the ARP clock source jack.
Eg. Patch LFO1 Square Wave out to ARP clock source in.
Some notes;
For the Arp to function-
A clock signal Must be fed into the Arp Clock Input. Use either a Square LFO output, or if
you want to sync to MIDI use MIDI Note Trig #00, then create a ‘clock sequence’ in your
DAW by playing a string of MIDI Note #00.
If you are using the EGs, then the MIDI Trig Toggle switches must be On.
ON push button / LED
This push button toggles on/off the arpeggiator. The arp’ is on when the LED is lit.