Analogue Solutions Nyborg User Manual

Page 18

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The Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) is
basically identical to a VCO, it is another
oscillator, except that it produces periodic
wave forms of low frequency, typically
sub-audio. These slow cyclic waveforms
are used for modulating other circuit
parameters, for example, for sweeping
the filter cut-off up and down, either
slowly for a nice sweep, or faster for a
'wah-wah' type effect. It could be used to
modulate the VCO pitch for vibrato.

The LFO block is grouped together with the VCOs as an LFO is an oscillator just like
the VCOs are.

This sets the frequency (speed) of the LFO which is indicated by the LED.

MODE – Rotary Switch
This sets the modulation source that is routed to LFO points for modulation selection.
The options are:

LFO Square Wave

CV2 (Midi Control)

LFO Triangle Wave

S&H (Sample & Hold)

Sample and Hold (S+H) on this synth means a modulation signal is created that has
a new random signal level each time the LFO completes a cycle (each time the LFO LED
lights up a new modulation level is set).