360 Systems 2470SD Time Delay User Manual
Page 27

• 27
Testing the GPI System Monitor Outputs
Using the “alarmtest” Utility.
In order to test the wiring in a new installation, there is a way to exercise the individual outputs
without having to create all of the indicated error conditions. The alarmtest program allows
temporarily reassigning one or all of the various outputs to the Loss of Input condition so that all
connected systems can be proven.
The alarmtest program is run from a terminal window in the Image Server GUI. To open a terminal
window and run the program:
1. Turn off NumLock on the keyboard.
2. Hold the Control and Shift keys, and briefly press the F12 function key.
3. In the resulting window, type
4. Perform a Quick Restart.
The program will run, and instruct you to perform a Quick Restart to activate the new assignments.
Now, all of the GPI outputs are assigned to the Loss of Video Input warning. To activate the GPI
outputs, simply disconnect the video input. If you wish to see them deactivate, reconnect the
video input.
It is also possible to test individual outputs, so that crossed connections can be discovered, or
particular alarm conditions can be tested. To do this, perform the same procedure as above, but
add either an output number from 1 to 6, or the name of one of the warning signals, for example
alarmtest 1
alarmtest drives
will cause the Output 1 DRIVES failure warning to activate whenever the video input is
disconnected. The signal name can be either all uppercase or all lowercase. The signal names are
You can change outputs by running the program repeatedly with different output specifications,
each time performing a Quick Restart to activate the new assignment. When the terminal window
opens, you can press the up arrow key to retrieve the previously typed command, and edit the
output number or name.
To restore the default assignments for normal operation, repeat the steps above with no individual
output specified:
alarmtest Enter
Be sure to perform the final Quick Restart.