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Canoga Perkins Corporation, 20600 Prairie Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311-6008

Phone: (818) 718-6300, FAX (818) 718-6312

P/N 6943300 Rev A

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Assign an icon and a name for the session.

Figure 7. Connection Properties

After a name and icon is assigned, the COM port properties menu will appear. Configure the
connection settings to the values listed:

• Bits per second: 9600bps
• Data bits: 8

• Parity: None
• Stop bits: 1
• Flow control: None

If the HyperTerminal screen is scrolling up, make sure that “Terminal Emulation” in the
Properties menu is set to VT100. If the screen shows random symbols instead of letters, verify
that the terminal speed is set to 9600bps.

Step 6: Logging In

In the log-in screen, type the default Username “admin” and Password “admin” to access the user
interface. The MAIN MENU will appear and will allow you to make necessary configuration
changes based on your selection. Refer to the user manual for more detailed information.