Silver crown plus pilot’s guide – BendixKing SILVER CROWN PLUS System SILVER CROWN PLUS User Manual

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Silver Crown Plus Pilot’s Guide



been selected. To add speaker audio
simply push the Speaker Select

Switch (inner right knob) to the “in”
position. Pulling the switch to the “out”

position removes speaker audio.

Additional Receiver

In addition to the receiver selected by

the “Auto Com” feature described
above, other receivers may be

selected by pushing the
corresponding Audio Select Buttons.

Push button audio selection is
available for three Communications

receivers (“COM1”, “COM2”, and
“COM3”), two Navigation receivers

(“NAV1” and “NAV2”), the internal
Marker Beacon receiver (“MKR”), one

DME, one ADF, and one additional
auxiliary receiver (“AUX”). The “AUX”

position could be used, for example,
for a second DME or ADF. When a

receiver’s audio is selected, the green
annunciator illuminates at the bottom

of the button. Push the button again to
deselect the receiver’s audio. Volume

for receivers is adjusted from the
individual receiver itself, not from the

KMA 26. Note that some receivers
such as DME and marker beacon

(“MKR”) may not have volume
adjustments available to the pilot but

these radios usually may be adjusted
at a Honeywell Sales and Service


Monitor Function

With the Monitor (“MONI” button)

function activated, if Com 1 is

selected on the Microphone Selector
Switch then Com 2 audio is

automatically routed to the speaker.
Likewise, if Com 2 is selected on the

Microphone Selector Switch then
Com 1 audio is routed to the speaker.

This feature may be used, for
example, if you are listening to ATC

on Com 1 through the headphones
and wish to monitor ATIS information

from Com 2 in the background
through the speaker. With the

Microphone Selector Switch in the

Com 1 position for ATC
communications, pressing the “MONI”

button routes Com 2 (tuned to ATIS)
audio through the speaker. Pressing

the “MONI” button again will disable
the feature.

When the Monitor function is

initially selected, the green

annunciators in the “MONI” button
and in the button for the Com being

monitored flash for approximately five
seconds. At the end of this time the

“MONI” annunciation remains on
steady while the Com annunciation

returns to its previous state (usually
off). The Monitor function is only

usable when Com 1 or Com 2 is
selected on the Microphone Selector


Marker Beacon Receiver

The complete TSO’d three-light

marker beacon receiver built into the
KMA 26 gives you an accurate visual

and aural signal when you pass over
a 75 MHz beacon. The blue, amber,

and white lights on the faceplate, as

well as the audio tones, identify the
beacon type (outer, middle, or

inner/airway marker, respectively).

The “MKR” Audio Select button

must be pushed so that the green
annunciator is illuminated for the

marker beacon receiver to provide an
audio signal at beacon passage. The

toggle switch on the upper left side on
the faceplate provides the choice of

two receiver sensitivities. When the
switch is in the “HI SENS” (upper)