Kn 62a and kn 64 tso’d silver crown digital dmes, Kn 62a/kn 64, Operating the kn 62a and kn 64 dmes – BendixKing SILVER CROWN PLUS System SILVER CROWN PLUS User Manual

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KN 62A/KN 64



KN 62A and KN 64

TSO’d Silver Crown Digital DMEs

Operating the KN 62A and KN 64 DMEs



Turn on the unit only after engine

start-up. Also, turn avionics off prior to

engine shut-down. These simple
precautions should be practiced with

all avionics. It will protect the solid-
state circuitry from short duration high

voltage spikes and extend the
operational life of your avionics.

The 3-position function switch

determines both the information

displayed and the channeling source.

Place the function switch on

Frequency (FREQ). The unit is
channeled internally with its own two

concentric frequency selection knobs.
The smaller of the two knobs has an

“in” and an “out” position. When in the
“in” position, this smaller knob

changes the 0.1 MHz digit (0.0, 0.1,
0.2, etc.). When pulled “out”, it adds

0.05 MHz to the frequency and tunes
in 0.1 MHz steps (0.05, 0.15, 0.25,

etc.). Pushing the smaller knob “in”
subtracts 0.05 MHz from the

displayed frequency. The outer, larger
knob changes the larger digits (1

MHz, 10 MHz). In FREQ mode, the

unit will display distance and the

selected frequency. (See Figure 19.)


Distance/Frequency FREQ Mode.

Now move the function switch to

the Groundspeed/Time-to-Station

(GS/T) position. The unit will hold the
internally selected frequency and will

display distance, groundspeed and
time-to-station. (See Figure 20.)


Distance/Groundspeed/TTS GS/T Mode.

Rotating the frequency selector

will have no effect on the display,
because the DME is in “Frequency

Hold”. This frequency hold feature in
the GS/T mode prevents accidental