Egpws introduction, Introduction – BendixKing KTA 910 System KTA 970 User Manual
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KTA 870/KMH 880 Pilot’s Guide
Rev 2
EGPWS Introduction
The Bendix/King General Aviation Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning
System (GA-EGPWS) brings state-of-the-art technology in Terrain
Display, Situational Awareness, Terrain Alerting and Warning, and
Obstacle Alerting and Warning to the General Aviation pilot. The GA-
EGPWS is an affordable, extremely lightweight, compact and rugged
computer that is easily installed in single- and multi-engine piston aircraft
as well as small turbo-props and other aircraft. The terrain function can
be provided entirely by the KMH 880, or can be provided by a combina-
tion of a KTA 870 in combination with a KGP 560.
Based on 30 years experience in the development and advancement of
Ground Proximity Warning Systems for Air Transport, Regional and
Commuter Airlines, Military aircraft and Corporate aviation, Honeywell
brings this vital safety technology to all segments of General Aviation.
Using our proprietary world-wide terrain database, obstacle database,
runway database, state-of-the-art GPS technology, and proven Terrain
Display with Alerting and Warning functions, the system provides the
General Aviation pilot with superior situational awareness with respect to
terrain and known obstacles. In addition, the system contains the most
advanced alerting and warning functionality to warn the pilot of danger
with respect to terrain, man-made obstacles and other primary scenarios
associated with the dangers of Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT).
Use of a terrain display is optional, but recommended in order to
enhance full situational awareness. If a terrain display is not installed in
the system, all alerts and warnings are still present.
This Pilot’s Guide outlines the basic requirements for system operation
and recommended procedures for use of the GA-EGPWS by the
General Aviation pilot. This Guide does NOT supersede FAA Approved
Data or FAA Flight Manual Supplements, or FAA Required Procedures.
Each pilot should be thoroughly familiar with his or her aircraft, its sys-
tems, and FAA and/or company requirements for that aircraft as
equipped with the General Aviation Enhanced Ground Proximity
Warning System.