BendixKing KLN 900 - Abbreviated Guide User Manual
Page 21

5.3 The Navigation 2 Page (NAV 2)
The NAV 2 page displays the aircraft’s present position in two formats.
The first format is in terms of the distance and radial from a nearby VOR.
(Although terminal VOR’s are in the database, they are not used on this
page since many aeronautical charts do not display a compass rose
around them for orientation purposes). The second format is in latitude
and longitude.
5.4 The Navigation 3 Page (NAV 3)
The NAV 3 page displays the following supplementary navigation informa-
(If the unit is in LEG mode...) Desired track (DTK) which is the great
circle course between two waypoints. The CDI displayed on the NAV 1
page is referenced to this DTK.
(If the unit is in OBS mode...) Selected Course (OBS).
• Actual track (TK) which is the aircraft’s present track over the ground.
• Cross track error correction - This is a text means of indicating how far
and which direction to get back on course. It is consistent with the ver-
tical deviation bar displayed on the NAV 1 page. “FLY L 2.7 NM” means
fly left 2.7 nautical miles to get on course.
• Minimum Safe Altitude for present position (MSA) -
to section 3.9.4 in the KLN 900 Pilot’s Guide to understand the clear-
ance provided by this altitude.
• Minimum Enroute Safe Altitude from present position to destination
IMPORTANT: refer to section 3.9.4 in the KLN 900 Pilot’s Guide
to understand the clearance provided by this altitude.
5.5 The Navigation 4 Page (NAV 4)
The NAV 4 page is used for advisory vertical navigation (VNAV) and for
altitude alerting. Vertical navigation operation is described in the KLN 900
Pilot’s Guide and altitude alerting is described in section 14.0.
5.6 The Navigation 5 Page (NAV 5)
The NAV 5 page provides a graphical “moving map” which displays your
aircraft’s current position relative to the active waypoint or other flight plan
waypoints. In all KLN 900 installations there are three common map ori-
entation formats that may be selected on the NAV 5 page: a North up
?) display, a desired track up (DTK?
?) display, or an an actual track up
?) display. In addition, if the KLN 900 is interfaced with a source of
heading in a suitable format then a heading up (HDG
?) presentation may
also be selected. When the North up display is selected, viewing the NAV