BendixKing KLN 900 - Abbreviated Guide User Manual

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described previously under “BASIC OPERATION OF PANEL CON-
TROLS”. NAV pages 1,2,3, and 5 are briefly described here. The KLN
900 Pilot’s Guide must be referred to for an explanation of the NAV 4
page (vertical navigation) and for more detailed information on all other
NAV pages.

5.1 The Navigation 1 Page (NAV 1)
The NAV 1 page displays the following information:

• The active navigation leg. For Direct To operation this consists of the

Direct To symbol,


, followed by the active Direct To waypoint identi-

fier. For the leg of a flight plan this consists of the “from” waypoint identi-
fier and the active “to” waypoint identifier. An arrow (


>) precedes the

active waypoint identifier.

• A course deviation indicator (CDI) which displays left and right deviation

from the desired track. The deviation bar operates like a navigation
deviation needle on a conventional CDI or HSI. An on-course indication
is displayed when the deviation bar is centered on the triangle in the
middle of the CDI. In En route navigation, each dot represents one nau-
tical mile deviation from the desired track. Therefore, the CDI shows
course deviation five nautical miles left and right of course. For
example, a deviation bar positioned two dots to the right of the center tri-
angle indicates that the aircraft is two nautical miles to the left of course.
The center triangle also serves as the CDI’s TO/FROM indicator and
operates in the same manner as a conventional CDI TO/FROM indi-
cator; an “up” triangle indicates “to” the active waypoint while a “down”
triangle indicates “from” the active waypoint.

• Distance (DIS) to the active waypoint.

• Groundspeed (GS)

• Estimated time enroute (ETE) to the active waypoint.

• Bearing (BRG) to the active waypoint

5.2 The Super NAV 1 Page
When the NAV 1 page is selected on both the left and right sides at the
same time, the Super NAV 1 page is displayed. The Super NAV 1 page
contains exactly the same information as the standard NAV 1 page but
spreads the data out across the entire screen making it even easier to