Viewing airport diagrams and approach plates, Draft – BendixKing AV8OR 3D User Manual
Page 36

Preparing for Flight
AV8OR 3D User Guide
By default, the bottom line of the flight plan “~~~~~~~” will always be high-
lighted, thereby adding new waypoints to the bottom of your flight plan. If
you would like to insert a new waypoint in the middle of a flight plan, simply
highlight the desired line in the flight plan before pressing Insert. The new
waypoint will be added above the highlighted line.
Waypoints may also be deleted, shifted up or down, or the entire routing can
be reversed using the menu buttons on the right of the flight plan screen.
To activate a flight plan:
Flight plans may be activated from either the Flight Plan list or the Flight Plan
Edit screen.
From the Flight Plan list screen, highlight the flight plan in the list and press the
Activ button. If you are in the Flight Plan Edit screen, simply press the Activ
When activating a flight plan, the previously activated flight plan or instrument
procedure, if any, will be canceled.
You must have more than one waypoint entered in order to activate a flight plan.
Viewing Airport Diagrams and Approach Plates
Airport information, including airport diagrams and approach plates, can be
accessed by either searching for an airport with the Direct-To function, the
Nearest function or by selecting an airport within a flight plan.
To view an airport:
1. From the main menu, select Direct-to (D) or NRST. This will bring you to the
airport search page.
With Airport selected in the Type field, the central table displays a list of
airports, including for each one its name, its bearing and its distance from the
aircraft position, its elevation, and the longest runway length.
2. Search for an airport by directly entering its code in the input field.
3. To enter the code with the buttons:
a. Highlight the input field
b. Press the ENTER button.
The up/down arrows change the current letter, and the right/left arrows go
to the next/previous character.