Vernier Original LabQuest User Manual

Page 23

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LabQuest Reference


Hint: The battery icon updates every few minutes. As a result it might appear that a

LabQuest, left charging while off, has not successfully charged. You can force the display to
update by connecting and disconnecting the AC power supply while LabQuest App is
running—or just by waiting a few minutes.

Set the time and date by tapping the time display at lower right. Usually this is not necessary
as LabQuest time is synced to the computer’s clock on connecting to Logger Lite or
Logger Pro.

Accessory Applications
Several accessory applications can be launched from the Home menu. It is not necessary to

leave the LabQuest App to use these accessories; to return to LabQuest App, either close
the accessory using the close button in the upper right corner of the screen, or switch to the
LabQuest App using the window button in the upper left corner.

Sound Recorder
The sound recorder is used to capture short audio clips, typically for voice notes. To record
a clip, tap the round green record button. To stop, tap the square red stop button. Play the

clip back using the green play button. The disk button allows you to save the clip, which can
later be opened using the open file folder icon. The blank page icon clears out any current
audio clip.

Tip: Use Sound Recorder to quickly make audio notes on experiments.

Periodic Table
The Periodic Table contains standard reference
information on the elements. Tap an element to see
details; close the detail window using the upper right
close button.

The Stopwatch Application is a simple timer. Tap the
start button to begin timing; tap it again to stop.
Subsequent taps will continue to start and stop the timer. Tap the middle reset button to
return the timer to zero. The copy button will place the current time on the clipboard for
pasting into the Notes screen of LabQuest App, or into the calculator.

Control Panel
The Control Panel gives access to settings on
LabQuest. To dismiss a control panel, tap the close
button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Calibrate Screen
Use this if the screen does not respond to taps in the
locations you expect.