Vernier Original LabQuest User Manual
Page 20

LabQuest Reference
• Vernier Spectrometer (V-SPEC)
• Ocean Optics Red Tide (SPRT-VIS, SPRT-UV-VIS, ESRT-VIS)
• Ocean Optics USB2000
• Ocean Optics USB4000 (SP-VIS, SP-UV-VIS)
LabQuest may require the user of a powered USB hub
with some SP-VIS units.
All spectrometers are auto-ID; connect a device, and
select New from the File menu of LabQuest App if the
spectrometer is not immediately found.
Spectrometers have their own specialized data
collection modes and units. They can measure
Absorbance, % Transmittance, and Intensity.
Absorbance and Transmittance units require calibration with a clear cuvette before you can
collect data. Intensity report the raw light intensity detected as a function of wavelength, and
so does not require calibration.
Once the data collection units are chosen, a data collection mode can be chosen. Modes
appropriate for spectrometers are Time Based, Events with Entry, Selected Events, and the
default, Full Spectrum.
In Full Spectrum mode the LabQuest App will display the chosen units (Absorbance,
Transmittance or Intensity) as a function of wavelength. This graph allows you to inspect the
entire spectrum for features, often for further analysis by choosing to collect data at only one
Spectrometer Calibration
Calibration requires a cuvette filled with only the
solvent used for your sample.
1. Tap the meter on the Meter Screen, and choose
2. Place the clear cuvette in the spectrometer.
3. Wait for the lamp warmup period to elapse.
Skipping the warmup period may result in poor
4. Tap Finish Calibration. After a moment the
message Calibration Completed will be
5. Tap OK to accept the calibration, or Cancel to
This calibration will persist through the session in
LabQuest App. Once the spectrometer is calibrated,
you can proceed to make absorbance or transmittance
measurements in any of the appropriate data collection