Vernier Original LabQuest User Manual
Page 18

LabQuest Reference
Motion Match
The Motion Match menu item is only available if a
Motion Detector is connected. You have a choice of a
new Position or Velocity match. In each case LabQuest
generates a random target graph for matching exercises.
Only the selected graph, Position or Velocity, is shown
in match mode. You may collect data over the target
graph as many times as you like. To see a new target
graph, choose New Position Match or New Velocity
Match again. Remove Match removes the target graph.
Table Screen
The Table screen shows a data table view of your experiment. There are several shortcuts on
this screen.
• Tap the Run Name field, initially called Run 1,
Run 2, and so forth, to edit the name of the run.
• Tap a column header (Time, Force, etc) to
change the column name, display precision, or
Table Menu
The Table menu allows you to create, modify, or delete
columns of data. Anything in columns can be graphed.
New Manual Column
New Manual Column creates an empty column into
which you can enter or generate values directly.
New Calculated Column
New Calculated Column creates a new column whose
values are based on other columns by a mathematical
formula. For example, you might define a calculated
column as the inverse square of another column. A
calculated column can be used in graphs or in further calculated columns.
Data Column Options
Data Column Options allow you to set the column name, units, and display precision.
Delete Data Column, Delete Run and Clear All Data
Delete Data Column, Delete Run and Clear All Data
allow you to remove columns, runs, or all of your data.
Strike Through and Restore Data allow you to non-
destructively ignore and restore data. Select a row or
rows in the data table, and then use these commands.
You can also select data in a graph, and use the same