Vernier Original LabQuest User Manual
Page 11

LabQuest Reference
Meter Screen
The Meter screen displays a digital meter for each sensor, the current mode, and the data
collection parameters. Several shortcuts are available on the Meter screen. Tap on a meter to
zero, calibrate, reverse, or change units on its sensor. Tap the Mode field to adjust data
collection details.
Sensors Menu
The Sensors menu gives access to detailed setup
Sensor Setup
Use Sensor Setup to configure the internal microphone
and internal temperature sensors, as well as legacy non-
auto-ID sensors. For each channel in use, select a
sensor name, and then select new units as desired. Most sensors are auto-ID, and so you will
not need to set them up this way.
Data Collection
The Data Collection menu allows you to set data
collection mode and parameters. Choose between time-
based, events with entry, and other data collection
modes. For time-based experiments, set the experiment
length and data rate. You can get to the same settings
by tapping the Mode field on the Meter tab. LabQuest
chooses appropriate rate and experiment length based
on the sensors connected, but you can override the
defaults in this dialog.
Mode: Time-Based Data Collection
Time-based data collection is the default mode, where
sensor readings are recorded at regular time intervals.
The rate and duration of the experiment can be set. The
total number of samples to be collected is displayed.
Under some circumstances the Rate and Length fields
will highlight in yellow or red.
Yellow/Warning level
• The Rate is faster than the recommended fastest rate of a connected sensor.
• The Rate is slower than the recommended slowest rate of a connected sensor.
• The number of samples could lead to performance issues. Performance of
LabQuest App is reduced when collecting over 10000 samples.
Red/Unsupported level
• The Rate is faster than a connected device and/or sensor configuration can possibly
• The Rate is slower than a connected device and/or sensor configuration can handle.
• The Number of samples exceeds the storage available.